Making products for your own pet is easy and can be a great way to save money in this economy. For less than the price of two bottles of top-quality pet shampoo, you can learn all the secrets and recipes for making dozens of different products at a fraction of the cost. Not only will you be taking healthier care of your pet's skin and coat, you can save hundreds, possibly thousands, of dollars over the lifetime of your pet.
If you are looking for a way to make money, it may surprise you to learn that my products literally cost me pennies to produce and sell at unbelievable mark ups. A finished product, after packaging, costs just under $2 to make and can retail for $10 - $18. At this rate, you can see how high the profit margin can be.
The pet care industry is thriving, even in these tough times. According to market research, more than 60% of US households own a pet and, in 2010, Americans spent more than $48 billion dollars on their pets. By making and selling pet skin care products using the recipes you will find in my guide, you can claim some of those profits for yourself!
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